Wednesday, October 31, 2018

School of man-hate

Image result for fiamengo

Janice Fiamengo, University of Ottawa

To Understand Christine Blasey Ford, Take a look at Palo Alto University

The Fiamengo File, No. 89

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Gab chief blasts censors

A statement from Andrew Torba, chief executive officer of
Gab has spent the past 48 hours proudly working with the DOJ and FBI to bring justice to an alleged terrorist. Because of the data we provided, they now have plenty of evidence for their case. In the midst of this Gab has been no-platformed by essential internet infrastructure providers at every level. We are the most censored, smeared, and no-platformed startup in history, which means we are a threat to the media and to the Silicon Valley Oligarchy.

Gab isn’t going anywhere.

It doesn’t matter what you write. It doesn’t matter what the sophist talking heads say on TV. It doesn’t matter what verified nobodies say on Twitter. We have plenty of options, resources, and support. We will exercise every possible avenue to keep Gab online and defend free speech and individual liberty for all people.

You have all just made Gab a nationally recognized brand as the home of free speech online at a time when Silicon Valley is stifling political speech they disagree with to interfere in a US election.

The internet is not reality. TV is not reality. 80% of normal everyday people agree with Gab and support free expression and liberty. The online outrage mob and mainstream media spin machine are the minority opinion. People are waking up, so please keep pointing the finger at a social network instead of pointing the finger at the alleged shooter who holds sole responsibility for his actions.

No-platform us all you want. Ban us all you want. Smear us all you want.

You can’t stop an idea.

As we transition to a new hosting provider Gab will be inaccessible for a period of time. We are working around the clock to get back online. Thank you and remember to speak freely.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Gab, Trump smeared on Pittsburgh atrocity

Image result for trump

The Gab social media site has been muzzled on grounds that its policy of permitting unfettered speech is somehow related to the Pittsburgh atrocity. Actually, the shooter's posted rant gave at least a potential warning, though unfortunately it went unnoticed. There is not however one scintilla of evidence that muzzling the deranged man from social media would have prevented him from losing control and killing people.

There seems to be a goody two shoes theory that if only we could get everybody to speak "appropriately," nothing would go wrong. The psychology is ridiculous. But the logical fallacy is being promoted by those who wish to exercise control over the "bandwidth" of public speech, getting it back into the nice, narrow parameters of pre-internet days. American oligarchs are following a path well-trod by autocrats, and most recently re-blazed by the Chinese communists.

The Big Tech, Big Finance conspiracy to throttle back speech is aimed not at the worst instances of terroristic rants but at the alt right, that sector of the media that does not follow the liberal party line. The oligarchs were horrified that the alt right helped boost Trump into power, and their aim is to curtail that group's influence on voters. is under attack. We have been systematically no-platformed by App Stores, multiple hosting providers, and several payment processors. We have been smeared by the mainstream media for defending free expression and individual liberty for all people and for working with law enforcement to ensure that justice is served for the horrible atrocity committed in Pittsburgh. Gab will continue to fight for the fundamental human right to speak freely.

As we transition to a new hosting provider Gab will be inaccessible for a period of time. We are working around the clock to get back online. Thank you and remember to speak freely.

That statement from Gab was flagged as coming from a poor security site by Web of Trust, which rates sites according to user experience. So either Gab was forced to use a risky site, or it was sandbagged by people giving false ratings.

A Washington Post story today noted that Democrats on Sunday said Trump’s "incendiary" attacks on rivals have created fertile ground for those inclined toward extremism, while Trump and his allies defiantly blamed the media and liberal activists for fomenting unrest. We might point out that use of the adjective "incendiary" implies that Trump is lighting fuses in deranged minds. One might have made the same charge against Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was known for rough talk against his adversaries.

An earlier version of the Post story said Trump hadn't heeded the Anti-Defamation League's warnings to tone down his rhetoric, which the league said was whipping up anti-Semitism. That version omitted the point that Trump's son-in-law is Jewish and that Trump is a strong supporter of the state of Israel.

Here is a Post column which sees Trump as responsible for episodes of insanity by individuals.

An example of what the oligarchs really want to suppress:

Scaramucci, Palin on blue collar populism

Saturday, October 13, 2018

'Stop her before it's too late!'

Limousine liberals grab cheap excuse
to delete Palin post from Instagram

I suspect Instagram's deletion of Sarah Palin's post of her son Trig was politically motivated. The oligarchs were not protecting the public from seeing a proud mother's photo of her Downs Syndrome child. That was just the pretext they leapt at. What was really going on was that Sarah was being sent a message by the powers that presume to rule: Don't get any ideas about running for office. We're already pulling the plug on you.

It's true that some people complained about her post. But I don't think I'm wrong to say that a great many of the complainers were not parents of Downs children, but people looking for reasons to badmouth someone they oppose ideologically. And it's just silly to think that the Instagram censors weren't fully aware of the fact that political malice was behind much of the complaining.

The limousine liberals are very uptight with Palin. They know she's dangerous to their interests. She picked Trump as a winner right out of the box. And before that she added muscle to the Tea Party movement that so empowered conservative Republicans and damaged the Obama agenda. More recently she had the nerve to chastise Alaska's Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the only Republican in the Senate who wasn't a "traitor to her gender."

Only PC women are actual women, according to the "liberal" mob.

It's good to know that Facebook exerts its First Amendment rights as a media company. Hence it is not a neutral platform and can be sued for libelous or defamatory content, even if their representatives did not review that content. If Instagram were a neutral platform -- essentially a carrier -- then it would, like a phone company, have no say in the content of posts.

The post-midterm lame duck Congress has plenty to do in order to correct Big Tech censorship excesses.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Looking good, Sarah

Sarah Palin knocks Lisa Murkowski on her solitary Republican nay against the Kavanaugh nomination. Sarah assures us that she's girding to run for something, possibly Murkowski's Senate seat.

Sarah on NewsMax

End of the road
in Schoharie

Post substantially expanded on Oct. 28, 2018 and Jan. 30, 2018.
Relevant news updates are linked immediately below.

News flash: 02.14.19

Limo reportedly swerved to avoid stopped vehicle
If so, this would imply that the driver had been unable to slow the limo, and that brakes may have been inoperative.
News flash 02.13.19:

Feds leave families in the dark
No surprise there. As part of the agreement between the DA and the feds, the NTSB said it will not release its findings until the criminal case is complete. It seems fair to suppose that the DA doesn't want defense attorneys to have access to evidence that might differ from State Police findings.
News flash 02.12.19:

Skimpy initial federal report issued
News flash 01.30.19:

DA gains gag order on federal probe

News flash 12.20.18:

New York blocks federal probe of limo crash

Update 12.21.18

Feds lash DA on slow limo probe

Parade will offer moments of silence for Schoharie crash victims
Post Gazette
Image   result for schoharie limo crash
Albany Times Union
The fated limousine came to rest in a creek bed just beyond the crosses after ricocheting off an SUV parked at approximately where the pavement appears.

Google Earth overview of death trap

Who they were

Just yards from where I was standing, the lives of 20 people came to a sudden end.

Around 2 p.m. Saturday a stretch limousine packed with party-goers caromed off a parked SUV and flew into a creek bed, where it smashed into a huge tree trunk that hung sideways over the stream. Two pedestrians, a professor and his father-in-law, were killed when their SUV lurched into them as their wives and the professor's 9-year-old son stood by.

No skid marks were visible at the intersection of Routes 30 and 30A in Schoharie, N.Y.

The limo had come down a long, winding grade along Route 30 and crossed Route 30A into the parking lot of the Apple Barrel Country Store and Cafe, where it ricocheted off the SUV and landed in the stream bed with a loud explosion. Patrons rushed from the restaurant, helpless as shrieks resounded from the dying.

Today a few passers-by milled about a roadside shrine. Nearby, one could see the narrow ruts made when the limo, lacking front wheels, was pulled from the woodland and put on a truck bed. As one looks at the 20 carved crosses, not too far beyond is the tree -- with large pieces of bark missing -- that brought the day's excursion to a grisly end.

The Apple Barrel restaurant proprietors had had enough of the media frenzy of previous days. Large signs proclaimed, "No media" and "Out of respect for the families, no more media." As a former reporter, I understand that frustration. Yet, it seemed to me that the press was not disrespecting anyone. They were just doing their jobs.

A large electronic road sign on Route 30A South, just past Interstate 88, warned drivers to slow down. Apparently it had been placed there because of all the activity just ahead, though today there wasn't much going on.

I drove that last downhill route taken by the limousine.

Evidently the bottom of that hill was known as a bad intersection because on occasion trucks have lost control and ended up unable to make the turn quickly enough at the intersection, requiring them to roll into the parking lot, which is at a slight angle to the left from where Route 30 meets Route 30A. Yet there were at least two large signs warning trucks of a sharp grade, signs that the limo driver should have seen to caution him. After all, he had 17 passengers aboard. I would think a careful driver would have taken note of those gradient warnings.

The intersection however is obscured, though not invisible when approaching Route 30A. I was expecting the upcoming "T," so I knew to be on the lookout. When I saw the road ahead as I came around a bend, I had plenty of time to stop. I was doing about 40. Had a driver been doing 60, I would estimate he would have had time to stop -- if he noticed the partly obscured Route 30A ahead. But, one can imagine that a car full of young party-goers was loud and jovial, meaning the driver might have been distracted for a moment or two.

Google Earth overview of stopping problem

From about the third house up Route 30 (pointing upward on screen), a driver can see the Route 30A roadway partly obscured by trees. Once the T-intersection roadway comes into full view of a downhill driver, stopping distance becomes problematic.,-74.29924625,213.69707175a,791.38466732d,35y,0h,0t,0r

It has been reported that the group of young friends and relatives was doing a tour of wineries and breweries, and was headed for Ommegang, a popular Cooperstown brewery 42 miles west of the crash site after visiting a winery. An autopsy will show whether the driver had imbibed while on the job.

On the other hand, mechanical problems pose another possibility. Erin R. McGowan, 34, texted a friend minutes before her death: “The motor is making everyone deaf," adding, “When we get to brewery we will all b deaf.” And in a report Oct. 12, The New York Times said that at 1:40 p.m., 15 minutes before the crash, Allison King, 31, texted her fiance. “She said the brakes were burning and they were coasting,” the Times quoted Allison's mother as saying.

This might indicate she was smelling the brake pads burning as the calipers failed to let go, or it could point to a failing transmission. If the car reached the bottom of the hill without brakes, control would have been a major problem. Yet if Allison's text was sent 15 minutes before her death, the limo would have not yet reached the downgrade and so one is left with the question as to why the driver, Scott Lisinicchia, 53, didn't pull over and call for a replacement vehicle.

Once the limo arrived at the intersection at what police estimated as 50 mph, there would have been no chance of making a turn, right or left, though it appears the driver tried to turn because he entered the parking lot rather than hurtling straight into the woods.

As I gazed at the gashed tree where the fun-loving young friends met their end, thoughts of a long-ago war where so many young people died drifted across my mind.

I like to think I am no longer affected by those gruesome images of yore. But I suppose I am still bothered.

Eerie incident on second drive

At 2.19 p.m. Oct. 21, a Sunday, I was 9.1 miles from the crash site on the Thruway when my GPS screen froze. It stayed frozen until I left the accident site, righting itself after it turned on as I left. When I arrived at the site however I was unable to turn it off. That has never happened before -- although my Garmin GPS is sometimes very cranky.

Driving south from Amsterdam, the youthful party crowd's limo headed down Route 30, a typical New York State country road that seems to go from one barn to the next, making it a bit winding. Pretty farms and fields whizzed past. Signs warned to watch out for cattle. An old sign advertising "Computer Repairs" hung on one farm gate. High tension power lines graced the sky at one point, a church steeple at another. One rustic town they passed through hosts a fire station, which doubtless sent people and equipment to the accident site.

Some curves are quite tight, but no problem for an experienced driver. But if the driver was having brake trouble, he may have thought that the inclines were not all that bad, as Route 30 goes downhill rather slowly before the last 1.2-mile sharp and winding drop. Authorities are still studying brake issues, but if the car had the original brakes plus all the weight from the riders and from the stretch add-on, it is quite conceivable that they could not have held on the last downgrade.

According to TheDrive web site,
The 2001 Excursion stretch probably weighed around 10,000 pounds, or around 3,000 than a stock model from that year. Add around 2,700 pounds in passenger weight, and you end up with a mass that would chew through stock brakes—especially on a mile long downhill stretch.

"Any livery vehicle that old, even well maintained, should not still be in service, says [one expert]. “Especially in the Northeast with severe weather and rough roads taking a brutal toll on even the best-maintained vehicles. The brake fittings corrode from the salt, the brake lines can rub through.”

Dominick Vitelli knows how important it is to upgrade the brakes when you add that much weight in both vehicle and added passengers. But during the boom years, some companies cut corners. “Some guys were using cheap fittings that were corroding before the car even went into service.”

Vitelli, CEO of Quality Coachworks in Ontario, CA., has been in the stretch limo business for 30 years and has seen the good and the bad. When I asked him about the lack of seat belts in the back of limos, he shared that he’s seen cars were operators cut belts out completely or stuffed them down into the cushions.

On that downgrade, the doomed revelers and their driver flew past woodland and occasional houses as the road narrowed, making control of such a vehicle tricky. Though the driver did not have the proper license for carrying passengers, he was an experienced trucker. Yet, before trucks were barred at the top of the hill at Route 7, several ended up in the restaurant's parking lot off Route 30A, though no one was hurt.

As they passed Route 7, took a curve flanked by a stand of pine trees, drove over the Albany-Binghamton connector Interstate 88 and reached the crest of the downgrade, the riders got their last look at the beautiful Schoharie Valley, where in a minute or so they would meet their end. A flat-top mountain is seen in the distance.

The standard 55 mph speed limit posted at the top of the hill is quickly followed by a 50 mph sign. I noticed at the bottom that 50 was a bit too fast, though probably manageable with adequate brakes. Also, on this drive I observed that Route 30A did not appear to be particularly obscured. I am assuming that brush was cleared to improve visibility.

The limo landed not far from an unused building proclaiming "Wicked neat stuff" for sale. Ironically, the adjacent restaurant features a "great selection of New York State wines and beers." The attached boutique has an assortment of "wicked neat" items aimed at tourists on country outings.

Arty signs in the eatery: "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." "I can't help falling in love with you."

A makeshift memorial atop the culvert that guides the stream into the bed where the limo landed is strewn with bouquets of flowers, studded with wooden crosses with notes from the living on them, and adorned with lights and candles. Covering a large cross are notes, including one reading, "Sgt. (ret.) Michael O. Ukaj, Love, Mom and Dad." Ukaj was a 34-year-old veteran.

Others killed were sweethearts Amanda Halse, 26, and Patrick Cushing, 31; Erin and Shane McGowan, 34 and 30 respectively; and Amy and Axel Steenburg, both 29.

Also Mary and Rob Dyson, 33 and 34; Abigail and Adam Jackson, both 34; and Rich Steenburg, 34;

Also Amanda Rivenburg, 29; Rachael Cavosie, 30; and sweethearts Matthew Coons and Savannah Bursese, 27 and 23.

All were limo passengers.

Brian Hough and James Schnurr, 46 and 70, were killed by their own SUV as it slammed into them after being struck by the limo.

Hometowns of deceased

Limousine Passengers:

Axel J. Steenburg, 29, Amsterdam, NY
Richard M. Steenburg, 34, Johnstown, NY
Amy L. Steenburg, 29, Amsterdam, NY
Allison King, 31, Ballston Spa, NY
Mary E. Dyson, 33, Watertown, NY
Robert J. Dyson, 34, Watertown, NY
Abigail M. Jackson, 34, Amsterdam, NY
Matthew W. Coons, 27, Johnstown, NY
Savannah D. Bursese, 24, Johnstown, NY
Patrick K. Cushing, 31, Troy, NY
Amanda D. Halse, 26, Troy, NY
Erin R. McGowan, 34, Amsterdam, NY
Shane T. McGowan, 30, Amsterdam, NY
Amanda Rivenburg, 29, Colonie, NY
Adam G. Jackson, 34, Amsterdam, NY
Rachael K. Cavosie, 30, Waterford, NY
Michael C. Ukaj, 34, Johnstown, NY

Limousine Driver:

Scott T. Lisinicchia, 53, Lake George, NY


Brian Hough, 46, Moravia, NY
James Schnurr, 70, Kerhonkson, NY

Post script: I haven't been able to shake the feeling I get when looking upon photos of the victims that I have known a number of them personally -- even though I haven't. I suppose that might stem from my age. Certain physical and personality types tend to recur. So one thinks, "Say I recognize him or her" because of the similarity in appearance to someone one knew not so long ago. The other factor in this connection is also, I would say, a product of my age: the realization that we are all brothers and sisters, sons and daughters...

Memorial scenes

More Times Union photos

Prof, father-in-law mown down
as three relatives are spared

End of the road? On Hegel and Death

2 brothers were like peanut butter and jelly

They aren't coming home: 4 daughters mourned

From there, the facts settled in more slowly: They were now grandparents to three orphans, a 16-month-old, a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old.

'God made a mistake,' says 10-year-old daughter

Road leaves drivers few options

'They were the perfect couple'

Limo owners sued in Rivenberg death

For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. -- Peter 1:24–25

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Conant articles permanently archived

Main Co

Write Assange at Belmarsh

Write Assange at the following address: Julian Assange DOB 3rd July 1971 HMP Belmarsh Prison Western Way London, SE28 0EB You must put ...