Photo credit: Hollywood Reporter
Sarah Palin is moving.
She is aiming, with her family, to spend more of her time in the lower 48 where she can have more of a national influence, standing up for the idea that the government doesn't owe people a living. In fact, she has a place in sunny Arizona, virtually the antithesis of Alaska. But, she says, don't get any ideas: she's not running for an Arizona Senate seat. Yet, one must wonder whether she will again attract the support that could propel her into government employment -- say, as President.
Consider two possibilities. In two years, Trump decides against running for a second term because of age-related stress. She is then in a position to pick up all his supporters
and a large contingent of suburban Republican women who stayed away from the polls in 2016. If Trump runs, she could help his ticket as vice presidential running mate, followed by a bid for the presidency in six years.
Palin is in the news right now as she tries to compel the New York Times to face pecuniary discipline over what some see as yet another example of that newspaper's propensity for
fake news.
A three-judge panel at the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals appears ready to revive her case against the paper, says the Hollywood Reporter. Palin attempted to sue the paper in 2017 after an editorial mistakenly linked one of her political action committee ads to a 2011 mass shooting that severely wounded Gabby Giffords, at the time an Arizona congresswoman. James Bennet, the writer of the editorial, wanted to make a point about a climate of political incitement, but the Times was quickly forced to make a correction acknowledging that no link had been established between Palin's ad and the shooting. Still, Palin wasn't satisfied and alleged that the paper purposely targeted her.
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Aside from the feisty little Alaskan tackling the Times Leviathan, she has been giving the Washington GOP Establishment what-for, reprimanding Republicans for playing the victim rather than using their majority to clean out the swamp. Ah, but Sarah, you surely know some of those Republicans are bona fide swamp beasts. When you reach the Oval Office, you too will need to slay some swamp beasts -- whether in the Justice Dept., "intelligence community" or wherever.
I apologize for roughing you up politically in the past. It wasn't you I was opposing; it was McCain. He had a very bad record among Vietnam veterans on the PoW/MIA issue. No way could I accept him as president...
OK, Sarah, roll up your sleeves. Get to work. America needs you.
Bannon favored Palin
Steve Bannon, the former White House chief strategist, revealed Saturday that his first choice to run on his America First platform in 2016 was former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, according to published reports. “In 2016, I did try to talk Sarah Palin into running,” Bannon told
The Economist’s Editor in Chief Zanny Minton Beddoes at the magazine’s Open Future Festival. “I talked to people like Jeff Sessions, Lou Dobbs and Sarah Palin."
Palin pointed out in an interview with the Daily Mail that, despite her endorsement of Trump, she was never invited to help his campaign in any way. No doubt Trump saw a true rival in Palin and didn't want her too close. So one wouldn't expect her to be invited to be on the ticket two years hence. But who knows? Trump may yet have to swallow his ego and accept the help of a real vote-puller. That is, if Mueller's fishing expedition doesn't eventually reel in a whopper that sinks Trump's presidency.
But here she is, loyally helping
Mueller's chances are becoming iffy, especially with the revelation that Deputy AG Rob Rosenstein was bruiting a coup de etat against Trump by having aides remove him under the 25th Amendment. When no one was so foolish to agree to that conspiracy, Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special prosecutor. How can we not believe Mueller was rold to knock Trump out of office by any means he could? And remember that, among others, Rosenstein, Comey, Strzok, McCabe and Mueller's top prosecutor, Weismann, along with Steele, who has essentially disavowed his notorious dossier, and aides of Clinton, had been part of a conspiracy to frame Trump in order to stop him from becoming president and then, failing that, to force him out of the job.
Sure the Deep State will try to prevent the conspirators from being prosecuted. By rights, Mueller should be testifying before a grand jury about what Rosenstein discussed with him concerning Rosenstein's treasonous promotion of a coup de etat and what expectations Rosenstein had for the get-Trump probe. If there is no evidence of Russian collusion now, there wasn't any when the special prosecutor was named. So why was he really named? Wasn't it part of Rosenstein's plan -- and he had plenty of backing in the top tier of government -- to force Trump out of office? That is, Rosenstein from the beginning was running an operation to depose a duly elected president.
Sarah rips 'Uniparty' spendthrifts
Photo credit: Business Insider