Monday, November 5, 2018

Kid stuff on SNL

Sarah Palin Sunday on FaceBook
Why SNL Sucks So Bad; Desperation Became Boring Irrelevancy

Lorne Micheals [sic], you’re the leader of the pack. Are you going to let a young do-nothing not-even-funny “comic” and/or comedic team continue the degradation of SNL?

With all the grace I can muster I challenge you to wrestle back control of the show you’d shepherded, but allowed to be hijacked by some pretty sick - and boringly uncreative - young men. You’re going down with the ship, Lorne. Sad to see your life’s work and worth crumble under the heartless no-talents.

And for shame, group-think audience, going along to get along yukking up anti-American mockery of America’s finest. A military vet that accomplished more in one tour of duty than you could dream of in your lifetime, willing to go through hell so you’ll sleep well, is the object of scorn of only the shallow and selfish.

There’s so much creativity and beauty out there, Lorne. Talent waiting in the wings that will edify and lift up this great country, all the while brilliantly entertaining a deserving audience. Tap into the new and truly talented, Lorne, and feel worthwhile again.

Look forward to you meeting the challenge, SNL.

- Sarah Palin
I am sure many agree with Sarah's sentiments. As a combat vet, personally I don't worry much about this sort of thing. And, another point is the comedian's age. One doesn't expect a great deal of social sensitivity from people in the adolescent part of their 20s (which ends at 25 for men). I'd hate to see a 24-year-old's career destroyed by some politically inept social gaffe. But Sarah has a right to express her opinion, and I respect her for it.

Update: Being men

Video of the reconciliation

Comedian is a war victim

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