Sunday, February 3, 2019

Bigger, badder than Russiagate

Why no special prosecutor on missing $21 trillion? The flimflam has been going on since 1998, spanning both Republican and Democratic administrations. When the Pentagon hired private auditors to review its budget, the auditors threw in the towel and walked off the job. What gives? It is illegal for government agencies to spend money Congress hasn't authorized. Why doesn't Congress care? We do live in a democracy, do we not?

But not to worry. The New York Times and The Washington Post have given the issue the blow-off. Don't follow the money, corporate media anxiously urge. Hmmm...

Prof tells Corbett of lame explanations

Nation report on audit fraud

Down the black budget hole

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Write Assange at Belmarsh

Write Assange at the following address: Julian Assange DOB 3rd July 1971 HMP Belmarsh Prison Western Way London, SE28 0EB You must put ...