Monday, April 29, 2019

Sean's free-press right to publish 'hate' cartoon

Sean Hannity's web site has picked up on the "anti-Semitic cartoon" controversy, doubtless because it embarrasses The New York Times, the bete noir of every self-respecting conservative. I agree with Hannity about a lot of things, including the anti-conservative slant of that paper.

But, I think the angst about this rather routine political cartoon is an unfortunate sign of the modern tendency to see valid political criticism as "hate speech."

Hannity's site quotes the Jerusalem Post concerning the dust-up over the "offensive image," which you can view in a post below. Or, you can go to Hannity's site and be traumatized by its appearance there. I guess his staff didn't regard it as all that bad... Just politics... shielded by the First Amendment.

DEVELOPING: New York Times UNDER FIRE over ‘Vicious’ Anti-Semitic Trump Cartoon
posted by Hannity Staff

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