Wednesday, February 21, 2018

'Crisis actor' videos yanked off internet

I have not followed the story of the Parkland school massacre. But, on noticing that one of the witnesses had denied being a "crisis actor," I went to view the YouTube videos that had stirred the fuss.

I tried various means of reaching them, but they were all unavailable. Yet, I was treated to a barrage of videos ready to "debunk" the censored videos, along with mainstream media videos targeting the conspiracy ideas. Somewhere I read that the videos had been pulled.

Well, I was annoyed that I was not permitted to judge the content for myself. I was expected to accept filtered versions of these contrarian views and points. Others were to do the thinking for me and convey the "consensus" judgment. Well, thank you very much, but I prefer the American way myself.

Oh, not all conspiracy stuff was yanked. The remaining material struck me as either slippery disinformation of some nebulous origin or just plain silly speculation. Still, I have seen in the past that keen citizen observers often pick up important points that big league media have swept right past.

No razor sharp wit was at hand in the videos I sampled. I can't say whether the relevant videos made any useful points.

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