Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Hmm... wonder if Twitter is squelching Sarah

I agree with Sarah Palin. The new socialist congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, shows a bizarre lack of basic knowledge about how our government is constituted. This really is amazing ignorance for a member of Congress. Was she taught basic civics in sixth grade? Well, I suppose she'll be learning on the job, but one must wonder how well she will represent her district while she catches up on basic knowledge every American is presumed to have.

Yes, true Sarah had some flubs of her own. But they seem to have been of the sort where one says "west" when one intended to say "east." And the liberal media of course misrepresented her words to make her sound as goofy as possible.

The fact that Palin is being swamped in Twitter-land suggests that youthful socialists are very interested in protecting one of their own. But they should realize that a real socialist knows government inside and out, being well-versed in political arcana. So then, how well is such a limited person likely to represent their cause?

And then of course there is the issue of Twitter shadow-banning conservatives to make it appear that they are getting little support. Twitter has denied those charges, but the denials are slippery and unpersuasive.

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