No Deep State?
Amazon, which is owned by the Trump-bashing Jeff Bezos, gets the tidy sum of $600 million for providing the CIA and the other intelligence agencies with a sector of the Cloud that is secure for secret messages.
As we know, quite a few career intelligence people are too cool for the likes of Trump and have been conspiring undercover to try to force him out. As it happens, that's just what Bezos's other property, The Washington Post, has in mind. The Post's editorial stance assures Bezos his position as a left-wing leader, despite his holding powerful business interests.
In fact, the Post's cozy relationship with the CIA goes way back to the days of Sen. Joe McCarthy, when the paper made a strenuous effort to state the "liberal" case in the midst of exposes of communist influence in Washington. Similarly, the CIA was anxious to balk the anti-communism accusations. The fact that one of the CIA's top people, William Bundy, had supported Alger Hiss was not nearly as bothersome as the fact -- now known -- that the agency had been under the influence of at least one high-level Red mole, now thought to have been James J. Angleton.
A number of years ago I asked Bundy in a letter why he had remained silent on his role in the Hiss affair, noting that I was not suggesting any wrongdoing by Bundy. No response was received to my letter. At that time, during the second Reagan administration, a government agency was intercepting all my mail, impounding a great deal of it. That practice continues.
It's hard not to think that the "liberal" left-wing's crusade against Trump could well be a reaction to Trump's past association with the McCarthy crowd. Though Trump didn't know McCarthy, he was chummy with Roy Cohn, a top McCarthy counsel who had gone on to become a celebrity New York lawyer. Trump's populist rhetoric seems to show that he had learned a lot of politics from old friends of "Tail-gunner Joe" with whom he hung out.
Ironic that the Deep Staters under Obama thought they could unleash "McCarthyism" against Trump. But, considering that one of the organizers of that campaign, ex-CIA chief John Brennan, is a self-confessed former Communist sympathizer, the "Russian collusion" claims are rather unconvincing.
Left to right: Jeff Bezos, James Angleton and William Bundy.
As we know, quite a few career intelligence people are too cool for the likes of Trump and have been conspiring undercover to try to force him out. As it happens, that's just what Bezos's other property, The Washington Post, has in mind. The Post's editorial stance assures Bezos his position as a left-wing leader, despite his holding powerful business interests.
In fact, the Post's cozy relationship with the CIA goes way back to the days of Sen. Joe McCarthy, when the paper made a strenuous effort to state the "liberal" case in the midst of exposes of communist influence in Washington. Similarly, the CIA was anxious to balk the anti-communism accusations. The fact that one of the CIA's top people, William Bundy, had supported Alger Hiss was not nearly as bothersome as the fact -- now known -- that the agency had been under the influence of at least one high-level Red mole, now thought to have been James J. Angleton.
A number of years ago I asked Bundy in a letter why he had remained silent on his role in the Hiss affair, noting that I was not suggesting any wrongdoing by Bundy. No response was received to my letter. At that time, during the second Reagan administration, a government agency was intercepting all my mail, impounding a great deal of it. That practice continues.
It's hard not to think that the "liberal" left-wing's crusade against Trump could well be a reaction to Trump's past association with the McCarthy crowd. Though Trump didn't know McCarthy, he was chummy with Roy Cohn, a top McCarthy counsel who had gone on to become a celebrity New York lawyer. Trump's populist rhetoric seems to show that he had learned a lot of politics from old friends of "Tail-gunner Joe" with whom he hung out.
Ironic that the Deep Staters under Obama thought they could unleash "McCarthyism" against Trump. But, considering that one of the organizers of that campaign, ex-CIA chief John Brennan, is a self-confessed former Communist sympathizer, the "Russian collusion" claims are rather unconvincing.
Left to right: Jeff Bezos, James Angleton and William Bundy.

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