Monday, February 4, 2019

Twitter muzzles another conservative

Post written in November 2018, but technical problems prevented its posting, after which I forgot about it.

Jesse Kelly, a conservative radio personality and former GOP congressional candidate has been kicked off Twitter, which said in a formulaic manner that he had repeatedly violated the media company's policy. As a media company, Twitter may design content as it wishes, although media companies -- as opposed to neutral platforms -- must deal with libel and defamation lawsuits.

A number of conservatives have recently said that their Twitter audiences suddenly shrank by tens of thousands in reported size.

Twitter has denied "shadow banning" of conservatives, a term which it defined in a narrow specialized sense. But it was clear Twitter was not denying that it makes a practice of curtailing conservative followers.

Kelly told Tucker Carlson of Fox News that he had no idea why he was booted, but he did say he had expected that Twitter would place him under a ban.

The crackdown on conservative news and opinion stepped up in the run-up to the midterm elections. Many of the brass hats at big tech/new media firms backed Hillary Clinton and are now pressing to take away the microphones from rednecks and deplorables.

Twitter's bizarre move also is coincidental with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's squeezeplay on "undesirable" journalists, including John Corsi and Roger Stone, both GOP writers associated with alt-right commentator Alex Jones. Jones has also been put under ban by Silicon Valley elite. Kelly denied he had been violating the company's policy. So, in answer to the previous post, it does seem plausible that Twitter cut off many Sarah Palin supporters in her fight with a new socialist congresswoman.

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