Trump Jr. tweets: Collusion truthers
Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not charge
any Americans with illegally conspiring with Russians on any matter, including election interference -- a foundational reason for the launch of the high-profile Mueller probe nearly two years ago.

Jerome Corsi, left, and Roger Stone
Americans are always presumed innocent unless proved guilty.
Charges against Jerome Corsi, a journalist associated with broadcaster Alex Jones, were dropped. Corsi said the special counsel had pressed him to perjure himself in exchange for a plea deal. Another Jones associate, Roger Stone, is facing perjury charges. Stone is a longtime journalist and, like numerous journalists, also has an alternate career as a political operative. Jones is charged with lying about contacts with WikiLeaks, though such contacts would have been normal for both a journalist and political operative and are unlikely to have constituted espionage.
Wikileaks has been accused of receiving Democratic emails from Russians, though the accusation has not been proved. No proof of that claim is expected from the Mueller investigation.
Banned for laughing at Maddow
A tweeter says Twitter nixed her tweet showing a video of herself laughing at leftwing commentator Rachel Madow as she choked back tears over the Mueller news.Karli Bonne’⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cry me a river!!! They just suspended my account again!! @kbq2251 wth not even a email this time O well here we go again!! Thanks schills I’m still lol no collusion!😂🤣🤣🤣
11:55 PM - Mar 22, 2019
It seems likely that the Twitter censor was herself or himself upset at the Mueller probe's outcome and probably angry that anyone would laugh about it.
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