Sunday, April 7, 2019

How to irk the censors

Beat Google's YouTube muzzles: Use BitChute

Alex Jones' InfoWars at BitChute:

I am not a proponent of everything Jones has to say. But I prefer making up my own mind about what he disserminates, as opposed to having Google make it up for me.


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A group of liberals from Columbus, Ohio has no intention of reading the Mueller Report, despite demanding its full release.
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The largest Democratic field in years is competing to face President Trump in 2020. It’s just the beginning as more are expected to join the race. The fight between the current 18 hopefuls is heating up as they are already vying for endorsements from major Dem figures. Meanwhile, Trump’s approval rating remains high despite critics slamming him for enacting policies that go against the platform he ran on. Joining today's show is activist Tracy Shannon of sharing her fight to protect children against predators. Start your weekend informed.
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Tom Pappert exposes the story of Xu Xiaodong, a Chinese MMA fighter who was "unpersoned" for proving that Tai-Chi sucks.
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From Sex Cults to public groping, the top levels of the US Government are infested with creeps and perverts. Tom Pappert breaks down how their deviancy runs deeper than you imagine.
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AOC made the announcement on January 21st 2019 and 97% of Climate Scientists concur that the world will indeed end on January 21st 2030.
Please send your contributions to Al Gore’s Stop The Climate Fund.
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Alex Jones released Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement twelve years ago. In the Documentary, Alex lays out the proof that a nefarious global combine of super elites have plotted the downfall and culling of humanity for decades. In particular, the elites devised a scheme centered around carbon taxation engineered to dominate the conscientious minds of the average human. Whereby humanity is convinced to give up its freedom for the security of the global governance. Fast forward to 2019. Where leading Democrat Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Democratic Presidential candidates threaten Americans with a Green New Deal. Which is simply the United Nations Agenda 2030 in disguise. Meanwhile a United Nations supported Cloward and Piven style invasion rocks the southern border of the United States threatening total collapse.
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Beto told Al Sharpton, at the National Action Network convention, that he is in favor of reparations in America. Alex Jones explains why future generations are not responsible for the sins of past generations.
Boeing acknowledges their recommendations for pilots allowed for faulty data which prompted the autopilot system to point the nose of the 737 MAX 8 downwards resulting in multiple crashes. Alex discusses the possible future where all transportation is automated.
Alex Jones reveals what actually fills the minds of those vampiric pedophiles that crave power and the innocence of your children.
The left constantly criticizes men and western culture while defending even the indefensible act of slavery as long as muslims are committing the act. Alex exposes the dark parts of this hypocritical position.
President Trump tweeted a meme about Joe Biden and the Democrats and the MSM are now claiming it's a "doctored" video. Alex points out that the left has lost their sense of humor.
"Drag Queen Story Hour" is being pushed nationwide as an event that promotes "tolerance", yet some of those involved are being exposed as child predators. Tracy Shannon joins Alex vis Skype to discuss solutions for those who want to protect their children from these vile events.
Yet another convicted child predator has been exposed after participating in "Drag Queen Story Hour" in Houston Texas. Alex breaks down how the left pushes these events to sexualize and traumatize children. v
Christians across the world are being persecuted like never before. In this video, Will Johnson explains how he sees it and how we all will be affected by it. The time to act is now! We have to fight for our beliefs and our God-given freedoms.
A group of elderly liberals lost their cool at an anti-Trump protest in Columbus, Ohio when Kaitlin Bennett arrived.
Swamp Democrats in DC and the media are covering for ex-VP Joe Biden’s inappropriate touching. Even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi weighed in by telling Biden times have changed and he should keep to himself. The establishment is running with the narrative that the spread of the images depicting Biden “embracing acquaintances” is the fault of “right-wing trolls!” Also, President Trump has vowed to replace Obamacare and slammed Dems for opposing a citizenship question being asked in the US census.
Alex Jones breaks down how the globalists are attempting to collapse civilization within the next six months by intensifying their migrant fueled destabilization of the west alongside the chemical castration of the population by targeting food, water, and air with toxic pollutants worldwide. Lawyer Robert Barnes joins Alex Jones live in studio to discuss the latest in the Sandy Hook show trials, and Ali Alexander hosts the final hour.
Alex Jones presents video footage of an elderly, Jewish man being attacked and called a Nazi for simply wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Robert Barnes joins Alex Jones live in studio to discuss how adversity shouldn't be avoided for children, but should instead be embraced as a way to overcome challenges and become stronger individuals.
Robert Barnes joins Alex Jones live in studio to respond to the law-fare waged against Infowars surrounding the Sandy Hook School shooting which are being used to defame Alex Jones by continuously running headlines about the trials that consistently tie Mr. Jones to statements and beliefs that do not accurately represent his position or previous actions.
Joe Biden issues an apology for his inappropriate behavior towards women and children throughout his career.
Ali Alexander presents video footage of MLK Jr.'s historic, and final, Mountain Top Speech and discusses how the civil rights leader and legend would feel about today's political climate. Also, Ali asserts that MLK Jr. was shot and killed by elements of the FBI, and at the time of giving this speech, he knew the deep state was coming after him for elimination very soon.
Alex Jones presents a video that YouTube and Twitter have graciously allowed to be posted on their social media sites, meaning it does not seem to break their community guidelines, where a Muslim man and a young boy teach the audience how to properly beat your wife and assert your masculine dominance over her.
Alex Jones breaks down how the globalists are attempting to collapse civilization within the next six months by intensifying their migrant fueled destabilization of the west alongside the chemical castration of the population by targeting food, water, and air with toxic pollutants worldwide. Their goal is to cull the population down to an easily manipulated / controlled few under their technocracy.
For the first time since 1946, the Cleveland Indians started the baseball season without Chief Wahoo as their mascot, after it was deemed offensive by social justice warriors. But what do the fans think?
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Write Assange at Belmarsh

Write Assange at the following address: Julian Assange DOB 3rd July 1971 HMP Belmarsh Prison Western Way London, SE28 0EB You must put ...