Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The needless angst over 'fringe' opinions

Isn't it just awful that people are speculating that the Notre Dame fire was no accident? Speculation is being pressured off the internet in the event that some people might believe the dread conspiracy theories. But not to worry: the thought police are hard at work making sure dumb you is protected from these ideas because you can't be trusted to think for yourself.

And then there is a small sub-set of you who are natural-born trolls who will lobby Big Tech, the government, Diane Feinstein... to muzzle those who say things that offend you, as if you are really so stupid that you don't realize that you needn't pay heed to people speaking freely over the internet. How can you not see that you are undermining your own First Amendment right to speak and disseminate your views?

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Write Assange at the following address: Julian Assange DOB 3rd July 1971 HMP Belmarsh Prison Western Way London, SE28 0EB You must put ...