Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Why does Big Tech need
to cover your eyes, ears?

Krieger: Russiagate's end fails
to deter internet censors

Michael Krieger poses a most interesting question: why are elitists so very, very worried about the concept of an average American reading, listening to or watching anything she or he feels like reading, listening to or watching? Why is Big Tech so interested in rationalizing censorship of what is available for you to consume?

Krieger says that sometimes he has some reason to view or read something deemed "crazy." But Big Tech is pushing to protect us from ourselves, it seems, by using algorithms that make it hard to view "objectionable" content. Do the oligarchs have a stake in controlling what Americans think about? You betcha!

Krieger and James Corbett have both been subjected to having been smeared as Russian dupes or Russian operatives on grounds that they don't accept U.S. government theories concerning Russia, in a list circulated soon after Donald Trump won the presidency. In fact, it appears that fellows like these were used to bolster the notion of Trump-Russia collusion -- even though neither Krieger nor Corbett backed Trump (neither did they back Clinton).

That is, the list is used to purport a pro-Russia "conspiracy" with the idea that these gentlemen were highly skeptical of U.S. foreign policy under President Obama (i.e. "pro-Russia propagandists"). And, since they were not fans of Clinton, that supposedly clinches it! Trump-Russia collusion right there on the internet!

After, all Russian trolls blitzed FaceBook with psyops posts and ads so as to "meddle" in the election. So then, perhaps it follows that many critics of Obama are very likely Russian agents or dupes. The problem is, no proof is offered -- as is the case of the dirty dossier compiled by Clinton's team to smear Trump as a Russian agent. Similarly, Big Tech is relying on lists compiled by people who offer no proof that the motives of the Obama critics have to do with Russian conspiracy.

Without proof, that whole scenario is preposterous and, despite the Washington Post's attempt to give the YouTube-critic-of-Obama-as -Russian-agent idea traction, the press in general gave that aspect of Russiagate the ho-hum. Yet, that list and similar lists are being used by Big Tech and others to muzzle those blamed for letting the average Joe or Jane have the temerity to decide for himself or herself whether to pay attention to Trump backers.

Below are relevant links.

Russiagate might be dead but Big Tech censorship remains


Corbett, Krieger discuss Big Tech muzzles


Krieger tells of 'Russia agent' smear


Corbett: Russiagate in 3 minutes


As Glenn Greenwald noted:

Glenn Greenwald

· Mar 24, 2019
There should be major accountability in the US media and in the intelligence community they united with to drown US political discourse for 2 years straight in unhinged conspiratorial trash, distracting from real issues. That's what should happen as a first step. But it won't:

Glenn Greenwald


Rachel Maddow makes *$10 million a year.* Every month, more money is put into her bank account by a major corporation than most people make in a lifetime, literally. She went on the air for 2 straight years & fed millions of people conspiratorial garbage & benefited greatly. pic.twitter.com/4PhOrZRR1D

4:58 PM - Mar 24, 2019

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