Friday, May 10, 2019

WikiLeaks record of achievement

How WikiLeaks changed the world

With the "Revelations of WikiLeaks: No. 2 —The Leak That ‘Exposed the True Afghan War," Elizabeth Vos reminds us of the sort of information that the United States was suppressing in the very long-running Afghan war -- the one that some generals concede lacks a military solution.

In a lead-in to the Vos piece, Consortium News recalls that WikiLeaks' "Afghan Diaries set off a firestorm when it revealed the suppression of civilian casualty figures, the existence of an elite U.S.-led death squad, and the covert role of Pakistan in the conflict."

Consortium News tells us,
This is the second article in a series that is looking back on the major works of the publication that has altered the world since its founding in 2006. The series is an effort to counter mainstream media coverage, which is ignoring WikiLeaks’ work, and is instead focusing on Julian Assange’s personality. It is WikiLeaks’ uncovering of governments’ crimes and corruption that set the U.S. after Assange and which ultimately led to his arrest on April 11.

Assange reported grilled by U.S. agents

Karen Kwiatkowski, on Lew Rockwell's website, does not identify her sources, who also tell her that he is being doped with the horror drug BZ, which renders victims into basket cases. Kwiatkowski sees CIA chief Gina Haspel's hand at work, dubbing her "Chemical Gina." Kwiatkowski's background includes Air Force lieutenant colonel with a PhD. I know little about her accuracy. I certainly hope Assange is not being drugged, but, by the United States designating the publisher as a terrorist, the anti-WikiLeaks May government may believe that it is permitted to use "special" methods against a terrorist captive.

If it is true that Assange is being questioned by U.S. agents -- presumably without his lawyer present, something I suppose that can be rationalized when confronting "terrorists" -- his U.S. defense team may be able to argue that Assange's right to remain silent before and during any U.S. trial was abridged by U.S. officials under shelter of British terrorism policy.
WikiLeaks docs vanish from Google user
Several years ago I made a point of publishing a number of WikiLeaks documents verbatim on my blog. Not only was their news value of some importance, but I also wanted to make a point of resisting Big Government's attempts to intimidate Americans against publishing or even reading "stolen" official information (who owns a democracy's governmental information, anyway?).

I have been locked out of the Blogger account that published those documents for quite a while now. Yet, in a number of instances I have been able to recover old material lost in the cloud with careful Google searches. Not so the posts that included the WikiLeaks documents. All vanished.

You may wish to search with the terms "Paul Conant", "Znewz1", "Blogger" and "WikiLeaks." I get zip once I add "WikiLeaks" to the search string.

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