Monday, March 4, 2019

Dems choose Red sympathizer
to lead renewed attack on Trump

The following comes from KeyWiki
Controversial claims are documented on that page.

A longtime Communist sympathizer is leading the Democratic Party attack against President Trump.

New York socialist Jerrold Nadler's commiunist connections are being suppressed by the "mainstream media" which are hailing his political war against Trump.

Nadler has been affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America for decades and is known for his association with "progressive" causes. He is also known for his record of friendliness and sympathy for the Communist Party.

Among Nadler's documented ties to Communism:

Active in Red-tainted coalition
In 1990, Nadler used his position in the Communist-tied New Democratic Coalition  to endorse the New York mayoral campaign of fellow socialist David Dinkins.

This coalition was a group of "progressive Democrats," who welcomed into their ranks  Margaret Chin, a Communist Workers Party leader, along with Communist Party USA supporters Richard Gottfried, Frances Boehm, and Miriam Friedlander.

Joins with Red-leaning 'peace' fronts
According to the Communist Peoples Weekly World,  on Aug. 6, 1993, a rally to commemorate Hiroshima Day was held at the United Nations, in Dag Hammarskjold Park, New York. The rally was designed "to kickoff a national campaign to collect a million signatures supporting a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, commend President Clinton for extending the nuclear testing moratorium, urge renewal of the Non Proliferation Treaty, urge swift and complete nuclear disarmament."

The event was sponsored by the Metro New York Peace Action Council and several other self-styled "peace" groups.

Speakers included

Leslie Cagan, Cuba Information Project (which leaned toward Communist rule)
David McReynolds, War Resisters League
Sonja Ostrom, Metro New York Peace Action Council
Elizabeth Holtzman, NYC comptroller (who as DA deported a German accused by the Soviets to Russia, where he was shot) 
Rep. Carolyn Maloney
Ruth Messinger, Manhattan Borough president
Rep.Jerrold Nadler
Rep. Major Owens
Rep. Charles Rangel
Rep. Edolphus Towns
Lloyd Wallisch, World Court Project, U.S. branch
Alyn Ware, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy

Openly backed by Communists
In 2014, the New York based Communist Party USA Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Club wrote,

"Sometimes, we must be free to disagree with Democrats on selected issues, even those whom we have supported, such as Obama on a national level, Jerrold Nadler, a progressive Congressman from Manhattan, and Bill DeBlasio, who is New York City's new progressive mayor. For example, we should be free to advocate a general reduction of our country's military and to disagree with the Obama Administration's expansion of some sections of our military forces."

Nadler hails Red honoree
Ernesto Jofre, who died March 5, 2001, at age 64, was a New York labor activist who was honored by the Communist Party USA for his progressive work. He was business manager and secretary/treasurer of the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union Local 169

Jerrold Nadler addressed Jofre's March 11 memorial service at the UNITE headquarters in New York. Noting that President Bush was "making war on workers," Nadler reminded workers of the adage '"Don't mourn. Organize."

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