Saturday, April 27, 2019

Assange example a warning to Trump helpers

U.S. tips associate to expect spy charges against Assange

What is the real reason Julian Assange has been indicted on a false terrorism charge and is now facing Espionage Act charges, which carry long prison terms?

I suggest the real reason is a Deep State maneuver to exact payback on a publisher who assisted Donald Trump. The pretext is that by publishing a CIA document, the agency could claim he had endangered lives and must be stopped. I recall the so-called "secret" technology had previously appeared in the press. The only thing "secret" that was supposedly compromised was the fact that the agency was considering these technologies -- as if any adversary spy agency would have thought differently.

But this gave Mike Pompeo, then CIA chief, a cover to switch to the Deep State policy against Assange and join "the resistance" by condemning Assange and pressuring for his capture. (Pompeo seems a plausible candidate for the anonymous administration official who wrote in a New York Times piece about a covert "resistance" in the administration to undermine Trump.)

The Deep State, along with the vengeful Hillary Clinton, is extremely anxious to pay back Assange for his role in the defeat of the Deep State's candidate.

And President Trump has been cleverly boxed in with respect to Assange -- because if he were to urge that the prosecution be dropped based on the American belief in freedom of speech and press, the Democrats, the anti-Trump Republicans, and the U.S. corporate press -- which is a collective pet poodle of U.S. intelligence chiefs -- would manufacture a hysteria accusing Trump of obstructing justice in a collusive attempt to aid a Russian agent (the press would ignore the fact that Assange has never been proved to have been in Russia's employ).

The message the Deep State and the Democratic Party is anxious to deliver is that any journalist, or publisher, they consider too effective in aiding Trump's next presidential run is liable to face a nasty Deep State Justice Department assault. That is, Assange's arrest and imminent extradition are designed to intimidate any journalists who are considering being too helpful to Trump.

It is rather noteworthy that Espionage Act charges haven't been filed against top editors and reporters at The Intercept, The Guardian, The Washington Post and The New York Times, which have all published top-secret information concerning the Obama administration's illegal spying on Americans that was dislcosed by Edward Snowden. (I seem to recall there was a newspaper or two in Germany that also published some of the data; under the U.S. theory of law foreign journalists other than Snowden could also be extradited to the United States to face charges for actions that might not be crimes in their home countries.)

But not to worry. By use of terrorism charges, the Deep State can still charge these journalists as such charges extend the statute of limitations on "illegal journalism." Yet, even though the CIA, NSA and British intelligence were furious about Snowden's expose, it is unlikely they will have people they consider their assets arrested.

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Write Assange at Belmarsh

Write Assange at the following address: Julian Assange DOB 3rd July 1971 HMP Belmarsh Prison Western Way London, SE28 0EB You must put ...