Sunday, April 28, 2019

Liberty on downslide as West targets journalists

Liberty on downslide as West targets journalists by Paul Craig Roberts


The entire Western world is adopting Washington’s approach to Julian and criminalizing the practice of journalism to protect governments’ criminality. Journalists who exposed the French government's lies have been told to report to police for questioning about violation of national security.

Mueller's Russia hacking lapse
Roberts says in a previous column:
William Binney and other experts have demonstrated that the DNC emails were, according to their time stamps, downloaded much more quickly than is possible over the Internet. This fact has been carefully ignored by Mueller, the Democrats and the presstitutes.
In fact, I heard Binney, a former top-level NSA technical expert, make that statement on YouTube. Mueller's cavalier lapse in logic here is very, very similar to those found in the 9/11 and anthrax yarns put out by the FBI when Mueller headed that bureau.

Note: Those who say Assange is not a real journalist face the same accusation. If you are willing to use journalistic cover to undermine a man who has free press rights, then you are surely not a real journalist, but a government flunky.
Why are the governments silent on the death penalty?
I have read that under British law Assange cannot be extradited to the United States if he faces the death penalty. If that is so, why hasn't the British government required an assurance to that effect from the United States, and if it has received such an assurance, why is that being kept secret? The public is not permitted to know something as basic as this?

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Write Assange at Belmarsh

Write Assange at the following address: Julian Assange DOB 3rd July 1971 HMP Belmarsh Prison Western Way London, SE28 0EB You must put ...