Friday, April 19, 2019

Mueller's credibility at issue in DNC murder case

The special counsel's report asserts that Julian Assange was shielding his purported Russian military intelligence sources when he said that a murdered Democratic National Committee staff member, Seth Rich, had been the source of leaked DNC emails.

Three points:

1. Special Counsel Robert Mueller shielded purported GRU agents from arrest and prosecution by blowing the lid off the "Russiagate" investigation, when he could easily have sought a sealed indictment of the 12 Russians. (See previous post.)

2. As FBI director, Mueller was part of a massive coverup of the true circumstances of the 9/11 attacks and the anthrax case.

Hence, anything Mueller has to say should be taken with a grain or ten of salt. Whether Rich did transfer pilfered files is, in my estimate, still unknown.

3. Assange is on record as a 9/11 conspiracy denier, which is ex-KGB officer Valdimir Putin's position, as well as ex-FBI chief Mueller's.

In July 2010, Assange told a Belfast Telegraph reporter, Matthew Bell, that the claim that the 9/11 attacks were organized as an inside job was a "crazed" and "false" conspiracy theory.

"I believe in facts about conspiracies," he said, adding, "Any time people with power plan in secret, they are conducting a conspiracy. So there are conspiracies everywhere. There are also crazed conspiracy theories. It's important not to confuse these two. Generally, when there's enough facts about a conspiracy we simply call this news."

What about 9/11? Bell asked. "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracy theories such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."

It is noteworthy that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin has also denied that the 9/11 attacks stemmed from an inside job. According to a June 2017 report, Oliver Stone and Vladimir Putin discussed the attacks during a series of interviews which aired in the United States.

In a discussion of Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower, Putin commented that he didn't believe that U.S. operatives had manipulated Snowden into Russian exile in order to brand him a traitor. "Nor do I believe that the American intelligence services were the ones to organize the terrorist attacks in New York.”

Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, Putin made common cause with President George Bush in the global "war on terror." The United States stopped protesting Putin's war against the Chechnyan Muslims.

In November 2009, Wikileaks released half a million federal text pager intercepts covering a 24-hour period surrounding the September 11, 2001, attacks. But such data is unlikely to have plainly exposed a high-level Deep State/intelligence system conspiracy. The fact that WikiLeaks was only able to publish a token of 9/11 data makes it appear that the Assange organization might have been covering itself from suspicion with regard to 9/11 coverup. Obviously, suspicion is far from proof.

9/11 pager intercepts

Assange's 9/11 denialism not only dovetails with Mueller's coverup as FBI chief, it conforms to Putin's public position. It is not evident whether Putin's position is solely for foreign policy reasons or whether the ex-KGB officer is protecting a Russian operation within U.S. intelligence.

Former Sen. Bob Graham, who chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence during the congressional 9/11 investigation, told the BBC that "I can just state that within '9/11' there are too many secrets; that is, information that has not been made available to the public for which there are specific tangible credible answers and that that withholding of those secrets has eroded public confidence in their government as it relates to their own security."

Narrator: "Senator Graham found that the coverup led to the heart of the administration."

Graham: "I called the White House and talked with Ms. [National Security Adviser Condoleeza] Rice and said: 'Look, we've been told we're gonna get cooperation in this inquiry and she said she'd look into it and nothing happened'."

Interviewer: "Was there any sort of sense of embarrassment or apology or...?"

Graham: "No. Embarrassment, apology, regret, those are not characteristics associated with the current [Bush] White House."

Interviewer: "So it was a conspiracy to cover up the fact that blunders had been made in the lead-up to 9/11?"

Graham: "If by conspiracy you mean, more than one person involved, yes, there was more than one person and there was some ... collaboration of efforts among agencies and the administration to keep information out of the public's hands."

In 2009, 9/11 commissioner Bob Kerrey said, in a talk with "We Are Change LA," that the 9/11 commission was hindered from doing a good job.

Kerrey says 9/11 Commission was hindered

Kerrey: "It's a problem... it's a 30-year-old conspiracy"

Jeremy Rothe-Kushel: "No.. I'm talking about 9/11"

Kerrey: "That's what I'm talking about."

Excellent summary of WikiLeaks exposes

To repeat, I will acknowledge material from the right and the left, and even the center, if it is meritorious.
9/11 Blogger is among sources for this post.

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Write Assange at Belmarsh

Write Assange at the following address: Julian Assange DOB 3rd July 1971 HMP Belmarsh Prison Western Way London, SE28 0EB You must put ...