Thursday, April 18, 2019

Mueller's obstruction of GRU probe

Robert S. Mueller's handling of the indictment of 12 Russians, identified as military intelligence (GRU) operatives, has been sharply questioned by Michael B. Mukasey, a former attorney general, who pointed out that Mueller seemed to be grandstanding.

Why didn't Mueller ask the court to seal the indictments so that the Russians would not be tipped off, thus giving the FBI time to try to trick some of them into coming to the United States, where they could be arrested, interrogated and put on trial?

The timing of the indictments -- right before President Trump was to meet with Russia's head man, Vladimir Putin, in July 2018 -- looked suspiciously political, Mukasey, a retired federal judge, observed.

By his decision to spoil any chance of nabbing any of the presumed Russian agents, it would appear that Mueller obstructed justice. Had any of them traveled outside Russia, there would have been an opportunity for arrest and extradition to America. Mueller, who headed the FBI for more than a decade, certainly knew he was wrecking an important avenue of investigation and shielding the GRU.

So here we have the chief Russian collusion investigator apparently colluding to assure that Russian military intelligence would not face serious damage by having the FBI possibly seize some GRU agents.

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