Thursday, May 2, 2019

FaceBook robs you
as BuzzFeed poisons you

FaceBook Thought Police at work molding your mind

The company is being forced by federal regulators to place "privacy minded" executives in top positions in order to counter rampant rip-off of personal data.

Note how FaceBook doesn't want you to have access to certain information, while at the same time the company is scouring every nook and cranny of your private life as part of its business model.

The best way to cope with this Empire of Evil is to get off FaceBook now! And, considering that BuzzFeed applauds FaceBook's censorship policy, it's also a good idea to cut that wicked organization out of your electronic life. It's amazing that BuzzFeed, the maestro of sleazy clickbait, wants "politically uncool" material off the internet.

Curious that BuzzFeed News cast all those who were put under an embargo in an uncomplimentary light, while making no effort to get their side of the story. Not an ounce of objectivity at BuzzFeed.

Also BuzzFeed unreflectively lumps Louis Farrakhan, who makes no bones about being anti-Semitic, with Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson, who are accused, with no evidence cited, of anti-Semitism. I've never heard either of those men attack Jews or Jewishness. Sometimes some "defenders of Jews" become confused about whether it is permissible to criticize the policies of the State of Israel. They seem to think that anyone who does so is obviously anti-Semitic.

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