Thursday, May 2, 2019


Steele dossier's Russia ties probed

Special counsel skipped Dem side of Russiagate

Attorney General William Barr says the Justice Department is now following a thread of Russiagate ignored by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Barr indicated that Mueller had overlooked evidence tying the Steele dossier to a Russian disinformation effort. Image result for william barr
In a Senate hearing, Sen. John Cormyn asked him, "Can you state with confidence that the Steele dossier was not part of a Russian disinformation campaign?"

"No I can't state that with confidence, and that is one of the areas we are reviewing," Barr [pictured] replied, adding that he was "concerned about" the possibility, "and I don't think it's entirely speculative."

Do a "control f" and search for "Steele" or "dossier" and you will find absolutely ZERO mention of ex-Russia spy Christopher Steele and the dossier he filled with sordid, unverifiable allegations against Trump and members of his team. Steele's dossier was financed, after the money was laundered, by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee, which was under the control of Clinton.

Mueller evidently made no effort to check into the origins of the Russian counterintelligence investigation that he had been mandated to continue, or to determine that investigation's legitimacy. Mueller seems to have made no effort to investigate the collusion between the Clinton campaign and Russian agents hired by the Clintonites to meddle in the 2016 presidential election.

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