All the ATF agents were out of the building that day because... you know, work to do...
Out of the silent deep
('XaX' is included as a search aid, though it won't help if the search engine has been dishonestly tweaked.)
In the case of the allegation in Sweden that did fall through the statute of limitation, the accusation was that during the act of consensual sex Julian Assange deliberately split the condom with his fingers, without consent. I quite agree that if true, it would amount to sexual assault. But the split condom given to Swedish police as evidence had none of Assange’s DNA on it – a physical impossibility if he had worn it during sex. And the person making the accusation had previously been expelled from Cuba as working for the CIA. So tell me again – we must always believe the accuser?
William Binney and other experts have demonstrated that the DNC emails were, according to their time stamps, downloaded much more quickly than is possible over the Internet. This fact has been carefully ignored by Mueller, the Democrats and the presstitutes.In fact, I heard Binney, a former top-level NSA technical expert, make that statement on YouTube. Mueller's cavalier lapse in logic here is very, very similar to those found in the 9/11 and anthrax yarns put out by the FBI when Mueller headed that bureau.
This disgusting and shameful gloating resembles nothing so much as a pillory or lynching, where the dregs of society are invited to hurl insults and garbage at a powerless victim. But unlike in Dickens’ London, these social dregs find themselves not at the bottom, but at the top of society: they are multi-millionaires staffing the media, the entertainment industry, and the big business parties.
Of course, there is a political reason and logic to this outpouring of vitriol. The aim is to manufacture public opinion: to make the heroic journalist an un-person, stripped of all rights—an outcast—in order to justify the US state’s persecution.
Jeremy Corbyn is correct to say that the affair is all about “the extradition of Julian Assange to the U.S. for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan.” But, within hours of Assange’s detention, it was clear that nobody much cared about innocent people dying in the streets of Baghdad or in the villages of Afghanistan and Assange has already become a political weapon in the poisonous political confrontation over Brexit with Corbyn’s support for Assange enabling Conservatives to claim that he is a security risk.Denis Rogatyuk writes in CounterPunch that Ecuador President Lenin
Lost in this dog-fight is what Assange and WikiLeaks really achieved and why it was of great importance in establishing the truth about wars being fought [in our name] in which hundreds of thousands of people have been killed.
Moreno’s decision to silence Julian Assange and expel him serve a duel purpose -- to gain the trust of the Trump administration, and to distract the national and international public away from his corrupt dealing in off-shore bank accounts, the fraudulent elections of March 24th and his mishandling of the Ecuadorian economy. This has also been echoed in the comments made by Rafael Correa, the former President of Ecuador who first authorised Julian Assange’s asylum back in 2012. After having his page blocked on Facebook, Correa stated that “In his hatred, because Wikileaks published corruption of INA papers, Moreno wanted to destroy Assange’s life. He probably did it, but he has also done a huge damage to the country. Who will trust in ECUADOR again?”.
Big Government lives on the public believing in Big Lies. The lies are all meticulously maintained by a gargantuan propaganda apparatus that encompasses government schools, government-licensed mainstream media, Hollywood, major sports, and on and on...From time-to-time heroic individuals slip through the cracks and alert the public about the truth. Needless to say, Big Government and its propaganda apparatus never takes it well.Streamed LIVE Apr. 5, 2019
Since early 2017, the U.S. has been prodding Ecuador to cut ties with Assange, who had been living in the nation's embassy in London for nearly five years.When he was Trump's CIA chief, Mike Pompeo, now secretary of state, denounced Assange as a "narcissist" who works in concert with Russia, relying on "the dirty work of others to make him famous." Pompeo was irked that WikiLeaks had published some confidential files apparently provided by a government contractor. I speculated at the time that the CIA had set up WikiLeaks in order to give Pompeo a reason to back the Deep State's desire to nail Assange.
It sweetened the pot in February, when a collection of global financial institutions, including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, that have their headquarters in Washington awarded Ecuador $10.2 billion in rescue loans.
Any prosecution by the United States of Mr. Assange for WikiLeaks’ publishing operations would be unprecedented and unconstitutional, and would open the door to criminal investigations of other news organizations. Moreover, prosecuting a foreign publisher for violating U.S. secrecy laws would set an especially dangerous precedent for U.S. journalists, who routinely violate foreign secrecy laws to deliver information vital to the public's interest.Wizner added:
Criminally prosecuting a publisher for the publication of truthful information would be a first in American history, and unconstitutional. The government did not cross that Rubicon with today’s indictment, but the worst case scenario cannot yet be ruled out. We have no assurance that these are the only charges the government plans to bring against Mr. Assange. Further, while there is no First Amendment right to crack a government password, this indictment characterizes as ‘part of’ a criminal conspiracy the routine and protected activities journalists often engage in as part of their daily jobs, such as encouraging a source to provide more information. Given President Trump’s and his administration’s well-documented attacks on the freedom of the press, such characterizations are especially worrisome.
As it turns out, a recordkeeping anomaly of sorts is at the root of the FBI report’s dissonant statistics for the Sandy Hook massacre. If you followed news of the incident at the time, you may recall that Connecticut State Police (not local city or town police) managed the crime scene in the hours, days, and weeks after the event in Newtown. Accordingly, the Sandy Hook Elementary victims were included in Connecticut’s statewide records, but they were not tallied as crimes of any description in Newtown in 2012. Rather, the deaths were classified under “State Police Misc.” in separate records.I had never heard about this particular claim, but it seems as though the Snopes explanation is as weird as the original assertion. In any case, I want to underscore that though Snopes is sometimes correct, it has a record of invariably backing the government's conspiracy theories and accounts versus those of critics.
Although the state’s murder total was 146 that year, only 110 of those deaths were assigned to specific local jurisdictions in the FBI report. The statewide tally of 146 includes the 27 victims of the Sandy Hook massacre.
Write Assange at the following address: Julian Assange DOB 3rd July 1971 HMP Belmarsh Prison Western Way London, SE28 0EB You must put ...